The below photo's were all taken at Fly Point, Nelson Bay - Australia on April 23/24.
Images were taken with the Coolpix 5000 in an Ikelite Housing using a single Ikelite DS125 strobe.

New: A slideshow of Anglerfish Photo's (586kb)

Red Indian Fish

(f8, 1/500 sec, FL 10.5mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)

Eye of the Flathead

(f8, 1/1000 sec, FL 42.8mm,
Strobe TTL power)

Moray Eel

(f8, 1/1000 sec, FL 20.6mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)

Nembrotha rutilans

(f7.8, 1/500 sec, FL 12.4mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)

Nembrotha rutilans

(f7.3, 1/500 sec, FL 20.3mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)

Nembrotha rutilans

(f7.3, 1/500 sec, FL 20.3mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)


(f8, 1/500 sec, FL 21.4mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)

Hernit Crab

(f8, 1/500 sec, FL 12.4mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)

Spindle Cowrie

(f8, 1/500 sec, FL 21.4mm,
Strobe 1/8 power)

All information and images on this website are copyright of the photographer. They are not to be used without the photographer's permission. Please contact me (David Harasti) if you would like to use these images.